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PegaWorld Breakout Session | PDF | 14 Seiten

PegaWorld iNspire 2024: Rapid Delivery and Immediate Business Value – National Bank of Canada goes live with Pega Smart Investigate on the Cloud (Presentation)

With payment volumes exploding and payment channels proliferating, FI's must evolve their payment inquiries, exceptions, and investigations solutions. National Bank of Canada’s strategic response includes modernizing the payment technologies within their Retail Wealth Management business. NBC partnered with EvonSys to implement Pega Smart Investigate on the Cloud, achieving rapid delivery and immediate business value. NBC and EvonSys describe their journey and share implementation, integration, and automation best practices, tips, and potential traps.

PegaWorld iNspire 2024: Rapid Delivery and Immediate Business Value – National Bank of Canada goes live with Pega Smart Investigate on the Cloud (Presentation)

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