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Presentation | PDF | 12 Seiten

PegaWorld iNspire 2024: Nordea Builds a Pan-Nordic Lending Solution on Pega, from Advisory to Operations! (Presentation)

How can you create a full end-to-end lending journey and avoid the pitfalls? Join this session to see how Pega, Nordea, and LTIMindtree are building a pan-Nordic end-to-end digital lending platform on Pega. Pega’s workflow capabilities enable a front-to-back journey that integrates and harmonizes operations across the bank to collect and save the right data at the right time – enabling Nordea to have a fully digital lending process paired with human advice when needed to address geographical variations.

PegaWorld iNspire 2024: Nordea Builds a Pan-Nordic Lending Solution on Pega, from Advisory to Operations! (Presentation)

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Optimieren Sie mit Pega GenAI Blueprint™ blitzschnell Ihr Workflow-Design. Legen Sie Ihre Vision fest und erleben Sie, wie Ihr Workflow umgehend erstellt wird.

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