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PegaWorld | 50:01

PegaWorld iNspire 2024: Connected Marketing - Bringing Data, Content & Intelligence together for Marketeers

Join us for a thoughtfully crafted session with experts from Areteans & Pega, who will talk about deploying a Marketing Analytics Platform that facilitates customer engagement, conversion, and lifetime value through real-time insights and centralized decision-making. Learn how this platform can unify first party & third-party data to extract maximum value, and integration with a decision engine like Pega CDH can enable true omnichannel precision customer engagement.

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App-Design völlig neu gedacht

Optimieren Sie mit Pega GenAI Blueprint™ blitzschnell Ihr Workflow-Design. Legen Sie Ihre Vision fest und erleben Sie, wie Ihr Workflow umgehend erstellt wird.

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