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PegaWorld | 14:17

PegaWorld iNspire 2022: Intro to One-to-one Customer Engagement

Ever wish you could read the minds of your customers, and know exactly what they needed? Or better yet, what would prompt them to act? Or stop them from leaving? With Pega Customer Decision Hub™, you can use real-time AI to make those intelligent decisions at astronomical speeds and scale – achieving a level of customer relevance that was considered impossible just a few years ago. In this session, we'll provide real-world examples of ways you can use a one-to-one, next-best-action approach to maximize revenue growth, retain more customers, and drive long-term loyalty.

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App-Design völlig neu gedacht

Optimieren Sie mit Pega GenAI Blueprint™ blitzschnell Ihr Workflow-Design. Legen Sie Ihre Vision fest und erleben Sie, wie Ihr Workflow umgehend erstellt wird.

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