Pega Coffee Talk: Digital Administration
Exciting practical insights from the Bavarian Ministry of Economic Affairs and T-Systems.
June 30 – Digital end-to-end processes made simple (Session in German)
Listen to Dr Thomas Langer, Departmental CIO at the Bavarian Ministry of Economic Affairs talk about an exciting success case of administrative digitization. You will learn how the Ministry implemented an online application process for the COVID-19 emergency aid program in just five days - together with the team from T-Systems and Pega.
Pega partner T-Systems then gives interesting insights into its Public Innovation Lab. This platform shows that end-to-end digitization of the administration does not have to be complicated and how it can be implemented at high speed within days.
After this webinar you will know more about:
- the exciting success case "Digital Processes" from the Bavarian Ministry of Economic Affairs
- the topic of end-to-end digitalization
- quickly implemented and yet sustainable process automation

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T-Systems is Germany’s big player for process digitization, networks and security. It offers public administration innovative, secure administration digitization and OZG solutions.
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