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On-Demand-Webinar | 36:33

Agile Marketing with Next Best Experience

With a rapidly changing digital sphere, it’s critical that organizations prepare to adapt, and do so rapidly, to upcoming challenges. How? Think digital transformation.

In this webinar, Matthew Camuso and Mark Davies of Pega, and Joseph Madigan of Bank of Ireland discuss how AI-powered solutions can address roadblocks and opportunities like evolving customer expectations, data privacy regulations, obsolete campaign-based marketing, and more.

Watch this expert-led panel discussion to learn more about:

  • Unifying data in real-time across channels
  • Building a successful next-best-experience organization
  • Key results that you can achieve
  • And more!

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App-Design völlig neu gedacht

Optimieren Sie mit Pega GenAI Blueprint™ blitzschnell Ihr Workflow-Design. Legen Sie Ihre Vision fest und erleben Sie, wie Ihr Workflow umgehend erstellt wird.

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