Case Study
Process automation – reimagined
14 manufacturing sites in North America
Thousands of workers using Line Call app
Inspection Control Function app, monitoring each auto part
“I had high expectations for Pega, and they have been met.”
The Business Issue
This auto industry powerhouse has manufacturing facilities located throughout North America. Quality management at these facilities, and those of its parts suppliers, though well-defined, was still largely manual. The established quality processes were memorialized in a series of binders of documented processes used for training and reference.
The manufacturer wanted to automate key quality processes to improve controls, provide an audit history, and support compliance reporting.
The Solution
The solution was to create a quality information management system supported by two initial applications – one for automating quality inspection responsibilities and another for assembly line workers to identify and report issues.
Inspection Control uses Pega business rules to identify and assign appropriate inspection responsibility. Inspection Control function assignments, notifications, overrides, and reassignments are managed with the Pega Cloud application.
The Line Call app manages notifications to external suppliers as well as internal quality engineering. It applies Pega business rules to categorize each nonconformance. SLAs are used to ensure timely responses from parties, and to track process durations.
The Results
- Five-year, $6.6 million savings – 300%+ ROI over five years
- 73% saved in application development time (14 weeks vs. 52 weeks)
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Case Study
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Customer Success Video
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