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PegaWorld | 41:00

PegaWorld iNspire 2023: How to Improve CX Across the Entire Customer Lifecycle

Improve customer experience through every stage of the customer lifecycle. Join this session to understand how Pega’s Sales Automation, Customer Service, and Real-time Decisioning solutions work together to automate and orchestrate the customer journey from awareness through consideration, purchase, use, and renewals.


- We're super happy to have you. Welcome to this session on how to improve the customer experience across the entire customer lifecycle. We've intentionally programmed this session at the very beginning of this day, because we want to be able to point out to you where to go deeper, because Rebecca and I are gonna touch on several solutions and topic areas and if you think about it, we're just gonna be able to touch some of the peaks and you can go and get more information in other places. So that's why we had this right up front, you can kind of think of this as the CX sampler platter. With that, we're gonna talk today, for about 30 minutes, and leave time for questions. So if you have questions, if you can hold them 'til the end, we're gonna have ample time to let you ask your questions and we'll go from there. With that, let's do some introductions, I'm Fortune Alexander Senior Director of Product marketing at Pega, and I'm joined by Rebecca Miller, senior strategy manager, also at Pega Rebecca, how are you?

- I am doing great, Fortune. It is so nice to see everyone in person. It's been a long four years, and the energy is just amazing. It's such a different experience than being online. So what a great event.

- Totally agree and it was really wonderful to also hear some of those amazing client stories in the keynotes. As many of you, we work from home, we don't get as much opportunity day to day to talk to our clients face to face and hear the stories and the success. And I love that both of today's keynotes were really focused on what's near and dear to our hearts and what we worked on, is the customer facing processes that Pega enables. And I love that Sheila Anderson shared, the One Digital Aflac strategy that they've been driving when I joined Pega almost three years ago now, I remember Rich, the former CIO, also talking about the success that Aflac were driving and just amazing stories, love to hear the client stories and hopefully after today's session, we can have a chance to talk to you in the hallways or in the evening and love to hear your experiences. But with that, Rebecca, let's get into this.

- Yeah, absolutely, Fortune. So I really wanna highlight Citi as well. I know Alan said this in the keynote, but it's just so incredible to see so many clients that have been along for the journey and I saw so many yellow badges in here coming in, so many attendees. So I think there's a lot of clients here in the room. So if you've been with Pega for more than five years, can you raise your hand? That's pretty awesome, so congrats to you. Thank you for coming out, awesome. Well, Fortune, I think one of the things that we should think about with the keynotes is that transformation doesn't happen overnight and it can feel really overwhelming at times and I think this next cartoon does a really great job of what we've all really been feeling over the past, maybe decade, but maybe even over the past several months, with things like generative AI and all of what's to come. And this is by Tom Fishburne, he is known as the Marketoonist, I think he's fantastic. He does great commentaries on marketing and all things tech and business. And if we just look at this slide here, the list keeps going. And we have to be customer centric, we have to be data centric. It really overwhelming, but the reality is you don't have to do it all at once and there's ways to make it more manageable. So Fortune, I think we should probably talk about some of the trends that are happening in the CX space, because there is a whole lot that's going,

- Absolutely, Rebecca and we had a lot of fun when we started thinking about the trends because there is one mega trend that is, you can't ignore it and it was in Alan's keynote and Karim's keynote, but I was at the Forrester B2B Summit last week in Austin on Monday. And George Colony, who's the founder of Forrester Research, talked about his 35 plus year career running Forster and looking at technology waves and technology transitions and he kind of walked through some of the big ones, in the nineties when the internet and Netscape really hit the scene, how that was a big disruptive transformative technology and then when we had the smartphones come, with the launch of the iPhone in the early 2000s and how that changed, and then of course the transformation that we're seeing or the disruptive technology with generative AI. And one of the interesting things that George Colony said, and I think Alan and Karim are highlighting this in their own way this morning, is that he typically says when this new technology, this new disruptive thing comes, he advises clients to let someone else stub their toe first, don't jump on it, let it kind of go through the hype and then kind of norm a bit. And he said something that he said, "This is different, this generative AI is something that I don't think you should wait, because it's happening so fast." And it was his clarion call to say, "You need to embrace it and start playing with it now and understanding how you can incorporate it." So huge exciting news with Pega Gen AI that Karim talked about on the main stage, but there is no doubt that it's going to very rapidly change the customer experience from sales to marketing to service all the way through to the back office operations. And Rebecca, you and I thought, hey, Karim showed cool stuff, but we focus on the customer experience solutions here at Pega. So let's talk about some of the specific use cases that will be in Infinity 23 that GenAI will aid in the context of customer experience.

- [Rebecca] And Fortune, you said something really important there, the fact that this is going to be available in Pega Infinity 23. So this is going to be something that you're going to be able to derive value immediately from and then also future proof your businesses. So starting with marketing, there is so much greatness that is already there with our analytic AI and our customer decision hub that Karim and Alan mentioned this morning, but with generative AI, we're going to be able to do things like personalize ads and offers in different ways that we haven't been able to actually do in the past by maybe being able to reach those underserved customers that you haven't been able to in the past. And then for sales, many of you might be in a sales space, we know that the pressures of being a seller today are a lot, what if we could actually take away some of that homework, eliminate some of that manual work, by being able to do things like generating post-meeting action items so you know exactly what to do when, so you can engage with your customer in the right moment. And also if we think about all the conversations that we're having as salespeople, what if you were able to summarize call and chat interactions, making some of those lengthy conversations much easier to consume. So again, you know exactly what to do, when.

- Absolutely Rebecca and I'm excited about that use case for customer service and Karim touched on it a bit and what's really exciting is, Pega's already pretty good in the context of customer service with call wrap up, we already have timelines of what's happened during an interaction, but with Pega GenAI, we now can take it a step further and take that full transcript and have all of the call notes with the main talking points and the main items that were discussed in the interaction and the next best actions, all that infused into the call wrap up and so what Karim was talking about, if you can shave 30 seconds, a minute off of the call, wrap up after call time and if you have 30,000 interactions a day coming through the contact center, that adds up to massive savings and so this can't be underestimated. So that's one that I think not only helps sales, helps customer service, but the other one in customer service that wasn't mentioned this morning that is super cool is we all know during covid, a lot of contact centers went remote and some of them are coming back, some of them are still remote, attrition and contact centers with CSRs as high, up to 50% in some industries and so getting those new CSRs trained and up to speed is a key priority for any contact center or any customer service department. And with Peg GenAI, we can now have what's called a customer simulator. So you can take a new CSR and actually have GenAI play the role of the customer with a specific outcome that they're trying to get to. And you can even assign a personality to the customer, they're rude, they're belligerent and record how that CSR interacts with them and they can do that on their own time and run through those scenarios any day of the week and doesn't need another human to learn how to run through customer service workflows. So some fantastic use cases. Rebecca, we could talk all session about this, but this is only a fraction of what we want to get through in this session. So let's tell folks where they can learn more about this.

- Yeah, you're definitely right on that. I think that we could hold a whole PegaWorld on generative AI, there's so much going on in that space, but there's also so much going on in our product innovation that expands generative AI. So if you would like to learn more about this and other topics, be sure to visit The Inside Scoop, our product vision and roadmap session tomorrow evening. It is a fantastic way to cap off your PegaWorld experience. You're gonna have the chance to ask product experts directly any burning questions that you have, they're gonna be on the hot seat, definitely a session that should not be missed. Now Fortune, like we said, generative AI is really going to disrupt the world that we've been living in, but the reality is, that generative AI is just one piece of a much larger trend.

- Absolutely and Alan and Karim started to touch on this this morning, this notion of the self-optimizing enterprise, of the autonomous enterprise that was shared in the keynotes this morning and if you look at all facets of our lives, whether it's self-driving vehicles or Amazon, which I'm sure everyone in this room uses and I know it makes my life a lot easier, fully automated ordering factories, warehouses, logistics, it's phenomenal what Amazon has done, to medical robots, all aspects of our lives, you're starting to see more and more autonomy in these systems and self optimization come to these systems. So Rebecca, the question is, if we can do this with driving and we can do this in logistics and medical robots, why can't we do this with the customer experience?

- [Rebecca] We can Fortune! And I love the analogy of driving. So probably some of you have vehicles today that maybe have a self-driving mode. We're seeing more and more of this on the roads and many of these automobile companies actually have a continuum, where it moves from manual driving with a stick shift, which I don't know how to do, all the way to autonomous experiences where basically hands off the wheel, the car is driving itself. And when we think about Pega's vision for customer experience, it actually follows the same path. So moving from no automation in AI all the way to fully autonomous experiences and this is driven by our real time AI, our workflow automation and continuous learning, that is continuously optimizing experiences and you're deriving incremental value at every step of this continuum. So you're getting guided processes, you're able to automate some of that mundane work. So you have to look across this entire portfolio.

- Yeah Rebecca, and one point that I think is important to point out when we've shared this, it's really important to know that we're not saying you need to go full tilt, level five, lights out automation, game done, game over, that's not at all what we're saying. Certain use cases and certainly certain industries, you will always have the human either in the loop or in front, with AI and automation assisting them in the back end. And just two quick examples, and I know this makes sense to everyone, if you think about care navigation and you think about an elderly patient who's got a procedure coming up and they're just, and we all have had these experiences, they're nervous, not sure if they could go, kind of fretting about it, they don't want to interact with a chat bot, they want a reassuring human caring voice on the other end. But that doesn't mean AI and automation isn't helping that care navigation professional orchestrate transportation and all of the logistics that go into that care journey. So very obvious example, so what we're saying is there's an appropriate level for the industry and use case and these work together, they're not in isolation.

- Such an important point and I think that what we're saying is that at certain points in almost every customer journey, there is going to be a need for a human. So robots are not taking over. But what I will say is that there are a few ingredients that really are crucial for this to work. And it's not enough to bolt on AI to an existing tech stack, it's not scalable, you can't bolt on code the way that Alan shared this morning. You really do need the unification of AI powered decisioning, workflow automation, all powered on a single low-code platform. And why is the low-code platform so important? I think that we all know that the only constant in life is change. It can be really overwhelming if you have to change things in an existing process, with a low-code platform that's made easy. You can make one change and then activate it across your systems and channels without having to rebuild and restart.

- [Fortune] Yeah, so what we're really excited by, a lot of Pega clients may know Pega, and especially if you've been a long-term Pega client for back office operations, BPM, but people don't often know that we have all the ingredients to really automate the entire customer journey. And so just like Lego building blocks, we have solutions designed to help automate marketing, sales, service and all of these solutions work together. And as we go through the rest of this presentation, we're gonna show you how they interoperate and add incremental value when working together. So Rebecca, let's take a moment and let's dive into each of these solutions.

- Sure, so let's start with Customer Decision Hub, really the heart of our AI powered decisioning. Now when we think about traditional marketing, you take a population, you take a segment and you blast the messages and the reality is you don't get a very good response rate. So this is a completely different solution where you are actually targeting your customer in the moment, one-to-one. And you're able to do this by taking a massive amount of data from your business, whether that's from your marketing, your servicing, your CDP and then generate next best actions in under 200 milliseconds, that is incredible! And this provides contextual engagement that's really driven by propensity. So how likely is it that that customer is going to receive that offer and potentially accept it. And this is also done across an entire spectrum of the customer experience, so not just marketing, this is selling, serving, retaining in real time with messages that are always relevant and allow you to really cut through the noise, because it is a noisy world and we see massive improvements in customer lifetime value, for a mature implementation, we see as much as $430 million per year, so pretty incredible stuff. And we have incredible clients that are doing amazing things with this technology today. Wells Fargo has personalized engagement for 70 million clients and not only that, they are powering 5 billion next best actions per month, so just massive scale. Vodafone, who you can hear from later this afternoon, has seen a 300% improvement in offer acceptance and lastly, but definitely not least, Rabobank, 1.5 billion plus interactions per year, pretty amazing stuff here. Now let's move on to Pega sales automation. Pega sales automation is using those same core ingredients, AI powered decisioning, workflow automation and our low-code platform to power a next generation of sales force automation technology. And we're able to do that by automating and simplifying complex sales processes from end to end. Like I said earlier, sellers are busy and now they're actually able to focus on the leads, the activities, the relationships and the opportunities that are actually the most likely to close and convert. That helps you save money, save time and improve productivity. And we're able to do this by eliminating critical selling blind spots. So we're all human, we can't be everywhere at once, so much data is coming in, this allows you to really be able to hone in on the things that matter, because we know that it's so important to focus on that and not the things that don't. And we're able to do this by, like I said, those three ingredients. And this allows us to anticipate customer needs, guide sellers through real time insights and actions for them to take and optimize sales journeys from end to end. We also have clients, some of you may be in the room here, that are doing incredible things with our sales automation technology. CNO financial group has been able to simplify seven policy admin systems using this technology for both customer service and sales automation. Nissha manufacturer has been able to deploy Pega in just 12 weeks. So getting to that minimum lovable product quickly, we have some clients that have been able to do this in even eight weeks, so really incredible results, quickly. And lastly, Boeing Employee Credit Union, who you can hear later today at PegaWorld, has been able to save over 10,000 employee hours.

- Rebecca, I love it and I would just say that sales automation is probably the best kept secret at Pega. We don't talk a lot about it, but as you'll show in a minute, we're ranked top of the list in sales automation, fantastic stuff. So I'm gonna round this solution portfolio out and then we're gonna keep on rolling. Pega customer service is designed around the customer journey. So if you think about how we think about Pega customer service, no matter where the interaction starts, what channel it comes in on, whether it's proactive service where you're actually notifying a customer that they need to do something to take action or whether it's self-service or whether it's assisted service or whether it's work that even has to go into the back office, Pega customer service intelligently guides both customers and employees through the entire journey, across all those channels and all those categories of service and the way we do that is we build workflows designed for specific outcomes and if you've been with Pega for a while, you know about micro journeys, those are those outcomes that I'm talking about and a really easy example is in insurance. If a processes for filing a first notice of lost claim, we call that a micro journey, it's also a workflow, kind of synonymous terms. I know we tend to use a lot of terms, but we designed those workflows around those customer processes and then all the AI and automation, Alan talked about it this morning, is in a centralized engine and they power all the touch points. So if an interaction starts on the web and then for whatever reason, needs to move into the contact center, there's no contacts that's lost, 'cause the same engine is handling that interaction, no matter whether it's started on the web or it winds up in the contact center. Now we have some amazing customer stories using Pega customer service and you heard Sheila Anderson this morning talk about what they're doing at Aflac, right after this session I'm sitting down with a telco company in Belgium called Telenet, they're part of the Liberty Global Group, and we're gonna have a fireside chat about their four year journey with Pega and they actually started a little bit prior, first with CDH and then rolled CDH and decisioning into the contact center and now they're on Pega customer service. So if you want to hear how they've brought these two solutions together in this composable platform, this would be a great session to come to and you can literally follow me over there, 'cause we'll do it right after this one. And then tomorrow we have a fantastic story with First Tech Federal Credit Union and that is Mike Upton, the CTO, talking about their journey where they actually implemented Pega customer service over a nine month period and got really quick results and dialed it in and they have wonderful governance and process that Michael will talk about tomorrow in that session, so you won't wanna miss that one either. I've got one more point to make on customer service. I really am passionate about it and it's this ability with that centralized engine to turn every single customer interaction into an opportunity for that customer to self-serve, no matter what channel they come in on. So they pick up the phone, they think they're gonna call an agent, we can infuse intelligence into the IVR, instead of press one for this, two for that. You can say, "Oh, Ms. Miller, are you calling about your bill that is due next month? Would you like to pay it?" All of that logic, all of that workflow, is in that central engine we talked about. So they can take care of those problems or those queries right before ever having to get to an agent. So we'd love to make this point and there's one more bit to this story that I would just like to point out, it's very unique for Pega, is you can embed customer service workflows, in non-Pega web self-service portals and any other digital properties, even if you're using a different desktop, but you want the power of AI and automation from Pega, you can embed it and the way we do that, we'll talk about it in a minute, but first Rebecca, let's round out these three solutions and just talk about what the analysts are thinking about, this composable CX platform we've been discussing.

- [Rebecca] Yes, so we are honored and proud to be recognized, not only by our clients, but also by analysts like Gartner and Forrester for being a leader in this space. So all the way from core CRM solutions, which covers sales, service and marketing, RTIM, CRM, customer engagement, sales force automation and of course our low-code application platform. Now fortunately we have covered a lot of ground in a pretty short period of time, about 20 minutes. How does this all really work?

- Okay, Rebecca, we do work for Pega and we took a show of hands and we know that these are Pega clients and so we know you've seen this slide before, but we have to show it to you, but we actually do love it and this is really the secret sauce to a composable CX platform, because all the solutions are built on top of our platform and as you know we've been talking about those engines in the middle, in the center, the center out approach, where you build the workflow in the center and you activate it on all those channels. And what we love to say when we talk about it, and especially in customer service, 'cause that's where I spend the bulk of my days thinking about, is this ability to transform your customer experience without disrupting your existing systems. So you don't have to replace your systems or record, your databases, you can keep all of your infrastructure in place and with our live data virtualization layer, you can ingest the data you need, run the workflows and then update all those systems. And I know you guys know that, 'cause a lot of your clients, but the other piece of this that we don't always articulate so much is this channel independence, this thing that I was talking about just a moment ago is got your own design system? Great. Got your own workspace or desktop that you have in place? Great. Wanna use Pega? Yes you can do that, you can do that with the API and the API will plug into any of those modern systems, Angular, React, those design systems that give you that flexibility. And we also have SDKs and components, so so you can put that workflow into your applications, whether it's OS applications or Android applications, so it's super powerful, we've talked about it a lot. You need to go over the Innovation Hub to see this in action, all this will be on display over at the Innovation Hub. But Rebecca, let's move on.

- Yeah, so Fortune, I love this idea of connective tissue, being able to bring everything together, and we're gonna move back to my favorite things, the three ingredients, almost as good as Dawn's omelet this morning and what I will say about this is that all of these capabilities are composable and reusable across different solutions, across different departments. So you can use that same low-code platform to configure things like our voice AI technology, our real time speech to text analytics, both in customer service and in sales automation. The same is true for all of these other capabilities here on the screen that I'm not gonna read out today. But what I will say is that we don't have time to go through all of the incredible technology that we talked about today. So as Fortune said, if you are interested in learning more, please visit the Innovation Hub, it's really the heart and soul of PegaWorld, where you can learn all about these different applications. But we did wanna give you a little bit of a sneak peek and show you how these things really look in the technology. So we're gonna dive into the Pega sales automation desktop and I'm gonna walk you through a couple examples. So here we are in the sales automation desktop and what we're seeing on this screen is a next best action that this seller has received actually saying to review a service ticket. So we're connecting sales and service from the start. So the seller hits go and they're able to see a full view of this shared client's history, all the service cases that are either resolved or open, all of the products that Jamie Summers, who's the client, currently owns and also the service interactions that have taken place, this is really important for a seller to understand. So we're cutting through the noise, they're able to eliminate silos across the departments by being able to have this right in front of them when they need it and if they need more information, they can actually click into those sales, into those service interactions to learn more. Now that's not the only thing that's really great about this desktop, let's move on to the right side of the screen. This is our customer decision hub technology that we were just talking about. Top offers for this seller to present to Jamie, with propensity scores right next to them. So this seller knows exactly what to present and when and how likely it is that Jamie is actually going to accept one of these potential offers. We also have AI insights that are infused for the sellers to be more productive. So how likely is it for this sales process to actually close and be a one opportunity? How likely is it that we're going to move to the next stage? This is really important when we're prioritizing time. And all of this is driven by predictive models and we're gonna dive into that in a little bit. The other thing that this seller has access to is Pega Knowledge, so being able to have information when they need it. There's lots of new sellers out there, maybe there's some people that need to be enabled instead of having to turn around or message their manager, they have it right in front of them. Now once the seller has completed the interaction, let's say that it went well, the seller is actually able to directly reach out to the customer service rep, without leaving this desktop using our pulse collaboration tool. So this is really fantastic, because instead of having to use a separate tool that's disconnected from the work, maybe an email, this is right here in the same application and they can easily communicate with each other, tagging things that are important, so they are always in the loop. And as I mentioned, AI is really important to us and we've been working on it for a really long time and we want to make sure that clients have transparency when they're building out these AI models. So this particular example shows all of the different predictors that are actually impacting how these particular offers and AI insights are being calculated. So great insight for sales ops that are actually going in and sales managers and making these changes. You can easily adapt these changes if there's something that's not working. So super exciting stuff here Fortune.

- [Fortune] Absolutely Rebecca, thank you for walking through sales automation, like I said, it's the best kept secret at Pega and I was really happy we got time to dive in a little bit into sales automation. We want to get to questions, I can see here on the timer, we've got about 12 minutes, so I'm gonna do the key takeaways really quickly. Alan said it best, no need to repeat what he said. If you want to build for change, if you want to be super agile and be able to incrementally adapt the Center-out business architecture is the way to go. We have a lot of new technology, they talked about some of the new stuff with Infinity 23 this morning, so definitely you want to check that out. An incremental approach where you don't have to rip out systems and you can get those quick wins is again the way forward. And Rebecca, before we take questions, let's point people to a couple of other key sessions that we think they should not miss, with regards to CX.

- Yes, definitely there is so much goodness throughout the next couple of days, make sure that you take advantage of it. This is such a great opportunity to network with each other, to ask product experts questions and also hear from clients through their own words, that's the most powerful. So these are just some of the incredible sessions that we highly recommend that are all related to customer experience in some way. Pega and Elevance are going to be talking tomorrow about the future of customer service for autonomous service, so you're gonna get to learn more about that and how they're leveraging our new voice AI capabilities to improve efficiency within their contact center. As Fortune mentioned, he's headed right over to another session right after this around how Telenet is elevating customer intimacy and unlocking business value. So definitely check that out and then on the right hand side of the screen, we saw this earlier, but this is a map of the Innovation Hub. We have circled and starred where to visit us on the right hand side of the Innovation Hub. There are so many product experts there that are there to answer your questions and it's a really great way to get your hands on the technology. So Fortune, that went by really quickly.

- It did.

- I enjoyed our conversation. Thank you to all of you who have attended and we will leave the last 10 minutes for any questions that you have.

- [Participant 1] I have a very technical question. When you were talking about the wrap time and it's gonna summarize your call for you, is it summarizing it by caller wrap, caller wrap and what they're saying or is it just a summary of the call? Is it transcribing or is it summarizing?

- So a couple of things, if you wanted to use that feature, you're also gonna be using voice AI and voice AI is listening to the entire conversation and it's transcribing the conversation and then Pega GenAI, in that feature we talked about, then we'll take that big transcript, say it was 20 minutes and just generate, hey these were the key things, these are the themes, these are the things that the customer is wanting and this is the next step. So it will boil that down, it's saving that agent time, having to like type all that in.

- And that is the same for sales automation as well. So after a meeting, it might take like 10 minutes or so, you're going to get for anyone who is internal, a meeting brief where there's that information as well as suggested action. So kind of like the CliffsNotes version.

- And one other thing, my boss is in the room, and he will give us an earful if we don't mention this. It's not just the calls, it's also chat and messaging. So obviously you have all the texts there, so that same summary capability of okay, there was a long chat and if somebody were to come back in, instead of having the agent read through that long transcript, it just gives the CliffsNotes, so it works.

- [Participant 1] Does it quality check it?

- In what sense?

- [Participant 1] Does it tell you if the agent was right?

- There are capabilities, I don't think that we have gotten there with the generative AI, yet, but I'm sure that we will.

- [Participant 1] Okay, thank you for that.

- And one thing that we didn't talk about today, but since you asked about it, which is it's really cool coming with GenAI is it augments agents who might not have the most polite way of responding and can suggest, "Hey, you should say that same thing in this way, would you like to?" And you can just push a button and it will clean up language, make it more polite.

- [Participant 1] Thank you for that.

- [Participant 2] I Have a follow up question. So in that case, love the summary, is the full transcript still available somewhere behind the scenes?

- It is.

- Yes. And if anyone couldn't hear the question, it was, "Is the full transcript available?" It is.

- [Participant 3] For voice AI, do we need to use a bigger call?

- So it can integrate with any CTI, but that is using Pega call technology. But definitely check out the innovation hub because there's going to be a lot of information there, specifically about that capability and if anyone wants to walk over to the microphone, there's two you, can head over.

- We can hear you, so if you want to.

- I just want to make sure people can hear, but you can either do it from your seat or the microphone, whatever you prefer.

- [Participant 4] So with that last question, my question so with listening technologies, we often try piece things together, so take for example... How much of this is predicated on users like...

- Well there's some capabilities in voice AI and we didn't get deep into that at all, but one of the things that is different about Pega Voice AI is not only is it listening and can do summaries, it's actually detecting the intent. "I wanna change my address," and so then it actually launches the workflow and then as the customer's saying, "Hey, my new address is 123 Main Street," it populates the field. So the agent is not having to type in anything, the agents is clicking green check marks. "Yep, yep, yep, yep." So that hands-free experience and that's something the CCaaS vendors don't do.

- [Participant 5] Can you expand on whether, guess I'd like a more comprehensive answer. Do you have to use Pega call or can you use a CCaaS vendor and what's the line, what can you use? Would you show us what can we use within Pega, regardless of what's bringing action in, versus what are we gonna lose by not using Pega, you know what I mean? Is there a document that kind of spells that out?

- We do have some documentation, so if you wanna come up after too, we can give you a more detailed answer and can give you our contact or give you contact.

- Yeah, our product owners are also in the Innovation Hub and they can answer all those questions, that's what they're there for. Okay, we have five more minutes, so these are great questions, I'm actually quite happy with the questions. If anybody has more? Going once, going twice...

- We'll stick around too, if anybody wants to come up and ask a question, feel free. We'll stay until Fortune has to go to his next session. Thank you again.

- [Fortune] Thank you very much.

- Enjoy the rest of your Pega World.

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