Session: Sponsor
App Modernization: Path to Greater Value of Your Pega Applications
Date and Location
June 13, 2023, 11:30AM - 12:15PM PDT
Chairman's Ballroom 355
Mitch KenfieldPrincipal, Digital and Emerging TechnologiesEY
Anupam VachaspatiManaging Director, EY Pega Practice, Digital and Emerging TechnologiesEY
Would you like to take advantage of the latest advancements in Pega technology? Adapt quickly to changing user and customer demands? Improve operations for faster, more stable enhancements and quicker outcomes? Operate on modern, scalable infrastructure? Learn about EY’s Pega application modernization framework and approach to ensure you are in the best position to quickly adopt Pega’s latest features, in an application designed to scale and adapt to the future.